Due to the snowy and cloudy outdoors, exercising your cats may be challenging during winter.
Follow the steps to keep your cat fit and happy by exercising in winter.
Set a Playtime Routine
Set a playtime schedule, preferably in the evenings.
Arrange Games for Cats
Get specially designed cat furnishing and arrange indoor games for your cat.
Encourage Your Cat to Hunt Indoor
Spread kibbles and low-cal cat treats across your home. Encourage your cat to hunt for the treats.
Try Interactive Cat Toys
Toys like laser light, rod roped, or spring teaser can keep your cats active.
Activity-Led Feeding
Feed some treats in the toy boxes that need some activity to open.
Try Leash Training Your Cat
You can leash train your cat like a dog to increase its physical activity.
Schedule Daily Walks
Walk with your cat regularly.
Try Romping On Snow With Your Cat
If it is not too cold outdoors, play with your cat in the snow.
Consult Your Vet For A Diet Plan
Find cat veterinarians near me at greatvet.com. Get a customized diet plan for your cat.