Writers, heads up!

If you have the knowledge and expertise to provide valuable insights into pet behavior and health, we want to showcase your work. Send us your articles and get a chance to become the established author you aspire to be.

We are continuously growing our team and are looking for exceptional contributors like you to join our network. If you’re interested, take a moment to review our editorial guidelines, which will help you understand the type of quality content we are looking for. Intrigued?

Read on for the easy-to-follow, yet mandatory, guidelines.


Type of Content We Are Looking For

  • Informational: Our blog section is dedicated to providing in-depth knowledge of animal health, conditions, and diseases. This helps pet owners become aware of potential problems and seek solutions.
  • Guides: Writing step-by-step guides that walk readers through processes, such as DIY diets and hygiene routines for pets, is highly popular. Guides help pet owners take precautionary steps to care for their pets.


Prerequisites For Each Post

Now, let’s take a look at the guidelines that will assist you in writing compelling, high-quality content that immediately captivates readers.

Select a Topic That You Can Provide Most Input On: Pet health and habits are vast subjects, so choose a topic you know a lot about and have experience in. For example, if you are a veterinarian in the making, you could easily write about common skin conditions that affect dogs and how to treat them.

Back-up Data with Sources: If you include data, statistics, or quotations, ensure they are supported by credible sources and referenced in the blog post. Readers and our team require accurate information, so fact-checking is essential.

Understand Our Content Style: To align your work with our website’s content, review the ‘Blog’ section to understand the quality of content we are looking for and how other authors have been successful.

Create Captivating Titles: The title is crucial for attracting readers. Understand their pain points and offer solutions in your titles. For example, if cat owners want to know about Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD), you could use titles like 

“Symptoms of FLUTD in Cats” or “Identifying Symptoms of FLUTD in Cats and Preventive Measures.”

Structure Your Content: Use H2, H3, and H4 headings to organize your content effectively. After each heading, include at least two introductory lines before presenting points or tables. Break your content into paragraphs, use transition words to connect them, and include images wherever possible.

Maintain Appropriate Keyword Density: Perform keyword research using SEO tools like SmallSEOTools, but avoid keyword stuffing. Aim for an ideal keyword density of 2%.

Write in a Clear and Concise Manner: Use friendly, simple language that is easy to understand. Avoid using complex words or phrases that may confuse readers. Keep your content concise and to the point.

Ensure Scannability: Engage readers by using bullet points, numbered lists, and other visual elements that make your content easy to scan. Additionally, include images, graphs, or GIFs, and cite the image sources.

Include a Conclusion: Always provide an introduction and conclusion in your blog posts. The conclusion should summarize everything covered in the post and offer a word of advice from your perspective.

Proofread and Edit: After completing the writing part, run a quick grammar check using tools like Grammarly or Hemingway Editor. Correct any grammar errors, syntax, punctuation, and spelling mistakes. Simplify any complicated sentences.

Include Your Byline: At the end of the post, include your author bio, which should consist of your name, a head photo, a short bio showcasing your experience

Ensure Minimum Word Requirement is Met : While there is no upper limit for the number of words in the content, the minimum word limit of 1000 words must be met. This does not mean repeating the information already covered to increase the length. Be original and expressive.

Content We Do Not Accept: Now, let’s briefly discuss the types of content we do not work with:

  • Spun, copied, plagiarized, or AI-generated content. We employ tools to check for these.
  • Content that has already been published on another platform.
  • Promotional or advertising content.
  • Offensive, factually incorrect, judgmental, or overly critical content.
  • And if you are not a pet lover.

Ready to Go? Submit Here

Once you have ensured that your content adheres to the guidelines mentioned above and you are confident in its quality, waste no time and send it via email to elyse@greatvet.com.

And that’s it, folks! We can’t wait to read all the amazing pieces!