Summer is a trying time for pets and as they say, heat and pets don’t always mix and as a pet parent, you need to keep some safety tips in mind to ensure that your pets enjoy this cherished time to the fullest, rather than lying in the pool or staying in a corner at home. From increasing their water intake to trimming their coats, here are some amazing summer pet safety tips to beat the heat.
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Pets are our lifeline and are an integral part of the family. Summer is a trying time for pets as they face the heat and humidity like us. Pet parents always have queries about the best practices for pets during summers.
- Keep Your Pet’s Ear’s Dry:
Pets like to chill out in water throughout the later spring but this can cause them to end up with ear contamination, particularly for canines having floppy ears. Once your pet is back from the play dry their ear to keep them away from ear contaminations.
- If there’s No Fence, Keep Your Dog on a Leash:
Late spring implies a wide range of energizing sights, aromas, critters going around, and new and energizing spots to investigate. You should not lose your canine since he got diverted into a new domain, so keeping them on a leash is necessary.
- Give Your Dog his/her Own Kiddy Pool:
Dogs like to chill in the pool, sea, water, or lake as humans. Make sure that your pet wears a vest and also clear your pet fur once they are out of water since most of the pools contain chlorine and other chemicals.
- Do Not Walk Your Dog Near Fireworks:
Keep your pet away from fireworks and ensure they are indoors during any firecracker shows. Almost all fireworks will be having chemical mixed so it is dangerous for pets. Pets also get scared from bright lights and boisterous commotions.
- Never Leave Your Pet in a Car:
Don’t leave your pets in the car when you are taking them out. Leaving them inside the car and opening the window is also not a good choice as it is warmer than outside so there is a chance of getting overheated.
- Don’t Skip Flea & Heartworm Prevention:
Limit taking your pets walking during summer in the daytime. The surface gets hot quickly during this time and it hurts your pet paws. Prefer to go for a walk with your pets in the early hours in the morning or late evening.
- Keep Coats Trimmed:
Trim your dog during summer but don’t ever shave else your pet can bring about burn from the sun and bug nibbles. Overheating and burns from the sun can be avoided with jackets, shields, and layers.
- Fresh and Clean Water:
Provide plenty of water during the summer to your pets. They get a lot thirstier than us when they get hot. Do not allow your pets to bathe in direct sunlight that will overheat them.
- Keep Vet Details Handy:
To keep your pet healthy during any emergency situation, always get advice from your vet. If your vet is unavailable or you want to find one near you, go to which provides you to choose the best veterinarians in your area.
One of the most important things you should do to your pet in summers is to give them plenty of fresh and clean water to drink. Water is a basic need for life. Along with it, keeping them at room temperature or fewer works. Some of the breeds need special attention during this weather. In that case, you should definitely know about Health Issues of Various Dog Breeds. It is always good to know more about your dog’s breed.
For the upcoming summer months during the new era of COVID-19, if you plan to take your pet to a vet then you should know things before Visiting a Veterinarian During COVID-19.
Why? It is always best to be prepared in advance.